Our Programs

To achieve our vision of a healthier Western Sydney, we commission programs that improve health literacy, strengthen the primary health care workforce, and equip community with the resources and services to 
better their health.

As the Western Sydney Primary Health Network, we are a regional commissioner of services that suit the needs of our diverse communities. This year, we executed 470 contracts – almost double the amount we commissioned the year before. This includes contracts for 111 psychologists under our Primary Mental Health Care program, 74 NGO contracts, 4 Urgent Care Service centres, 325 Strengthening Medicare Grants, 44 RACF grants, 3 wellbeing and resilience grants and 109 Living with COVID and Vulnerable Vaccinations contracts.

Our Commissioning Goals

We partner with local service providers to support people of all ages, genders, sexualities, ethnicities and backgrounds in Western Sydney. Our commissioning cycle involves developing and implementing health services based on a rigorous planning, procurement, monitoring and evaluation cycle to achieve:

Outcomes that really matter to people in Western Sydney

New and innovative approaches to providing health services

Client-and consumer-entric services

Strengthened engagement with the LHD, Commonwealth, NGOs, private sector and communities

Increased collaboration and transparency across Government on priority areas

A more efficient and effective use of resources

An understanding of what works and what doesn’t

Commissioning Provider Feedback

Commissioned providers who responded to our annual needs survey agreed or strongly agreed 
with the following statements:

  • Being a WentWest provider has improved our own service performance


  • Being a WentWest provider has enabled us to network more effectively


  • Being a WentWest provider has enabled us to build sector capacity


Commissioned Contracts and Grants 2022/23

  • MH - Youth Mental Health Services - EPYS $7,785,950
  • PHN Pilot $4,910,000
  • CCP - Value Based Urgent Care $3,500,010
  • MH - Youth Mental Health Services - Headspace $3,492,194
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs $3,267,228
  • MOH $3,066,212
  • CPS $2,761,972 
  • MH - H2H Adult MH Services $2,483,848
  • PHN Core (Incl COVID) $2,278,309
  • MH - Underserviced Groups $2,253,154
  • RACF $1,736,344
  • After Hours $1,580,266
  • DCJ $1,578,707
  • Integrated Team Care (Aboriginal) $1,485,198
  • CD & ACoE $1,391,132
  • MH - Severe And Complex Mental Illness $1,160,166
  • MH - Covid Funding $830,113
  • MH - Youth Severe $812,532
  • MH - Low-Intensity $602,634
  • MH - Aboriginal $593,472
  • MH - Suicide Prevention $584,540
  • MH - Way Back Support $503,367
  • MH - Residential Aged Care $490,176
  • CCP - Rapid Access To Care In Community $228,488
  • MH - Wellbeing & Resilience Grants $195,215
  • CCP - Joint Development $184,680
  • Health System Improvements $154,662
  • CCP - Cardiology in The Community $22,598
  • Integrated Care & Others $3,098